Modern pain neuroscience, psychology, biomechanics, and sports performance are merging to revolutionize physical medicine. This interdisciplinary approach is particularly relevant to clinicians in physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, and related fields, as it offers new insights and techniques for treating chronic pain. However, forward-thinking, body-oriented clinicians still struggle to trust that a psychologically informed practice is within their scope and lack the skills to progress their practice in this evidence-based direction confidently.
Taught by Charlie Merrill, MSPT, this course provides clinicians with practical knowledge and skills that will immediately apply to their practices. Breakout groups will be offered to practice key skills.
This 19-hour workshop, spread across six weeks, brings together cutting-edge research and advanced clinical interventions to train participants to:
- Learn the science of and describe the role of the brain in neuroplastic/primary symptoms.
- Strengthen therapeutic alliance skills to improve connection, reduce burnout, and amplify treatment effectiveness.
- Clinically differentiate neuroplastic/primary symptoms from structural disorders to decide where each patient is on the continuum.
- Discover the predictive processing model to understand the brain’s role in these pain conditions.
- Psychoeducate clearly and compassionately.
- Collaborate on a unique treatment plan for each client to recover.
- Strengthen your PRT and psychologically informed skills while creatively incorporating them into manual therapy and movement practices.
- Troubleshoot challenging cases addressing barriers like cognitive distortions, black-and-white thinking, fixed mindset, pain attachment, extinction bursts, and symptom imperatives.
- Put it all together and start innovating to treat the mind and body as intimately connected.
TX PT accreditation offers 19 CEUs to Physical Therapists across 35 states. Please visit our Continuing Education Credit page for further details. This training awards these manual therapists a “Mastery” certification status in our Directory of Practitioners.